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Men's Department

The Men’s department, also called the “Wings of Fire” is a true pillar of Fire Flow International. These men are the Gideon type – mighty men of valor. They are the wings upon which Fire Flow as a ministry soars to higher heights.

Our Men’s department has learned the secret of mounting up with wings to soar like eagles. This is another blend of faith-centered individuals whose lives speak volumes for Christ. This fellowship attracts Men from diverse cultures and age-groups and gets them to blend in so well that you will never imagine that these differences exist. They have their roll call every Sunday and have brief sessions of updates as well as a once a month “Wings of Fire” men fellowship.

Women's Department

Like in most Churches, the Women’s department is a mission-critical component of Fire Flow International. This department comprises a heterogeneous blend of spiritual icons divinely assembled by God Himself.

The zeal, enthusiasm and philanthropy of these women have changed lives in our community in a way that just speaks of the omniscience of our God. By the Grace of God, our women portray a team spirit that is so vivid in all projects and functions of the Church.

They are set to propagate the gospel far and wide to the Glory of God.

Sunday School

This is a rapidly growing wing of the Church with great potential for exploits. Our well-trained and spiritually nourished Sunday school teachers are divinely charged with the responsibility of developing these children into youth that will stand for Christ in their generation and lead many to the Kingdom of God.

These children are not only taught to walk in the ways of the Lord from their formatting stage, but also developed holistically to represent Christ in all aspects of life. They are trained to personally and collectively know, understand and claim the promises of God as presented in His Holy word.

Sunday school meets every Sunday during the main service.

Missions & Outreach

One of the key strengths of FireFlow International is Missions and Outreach. Every month, FireFlow International spreads the Gospel to a distant land in obedience to Christ’s call of making disciples of every nation.

The mission group has amazing testimonies of healing, restoration, unfathomed reconciliations for which we Glorify the name of the Lord. As a result of these powerful events, Fireflow has established a rapidly growing mission field in the far ends of Eastern Washington – Pullman.                             


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" Christ Centered - Passion in Compassion"

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